About massages


Massage is relaxation, stress relief, a reduction in cortisol (stress and fear hormone) levels, and the production of the feel-good hormone. While stress hormones are necessary for the body in the short term, prolonged production can disrupt the body’s balance. To reduce stress hormone levels and muscle pain, a 5-week massage course twice a week is recommended.

Suction Pump massage (SPM)

Suction Pump massage (SPM) helps to treat cellulite both in small and large body areas. Vacuum massage has a beneficial effect on lymph flow, releases the body of waste products and strengthens the connective tissues. It is the target of the formation of lymphatic channels to remove waste products from the body so that new nutrients and oxygen reach the cells quickly. Benefits of formation of lymphatic channels: releases tissues from contamination (necessary for cellulite treatment); removes fluid from tissues (such as facial and body swelling cases); treats tissues (accelerates tissue regenerating); relaxes and relieves tension (relaxes your back and neck muscles). Causes of the accumulation of fluid are a limited amount of movement, repetitive work, excessive workload, inflammation caused by irritation, mechanical obstruction (scars resulting from surgery and injuries), diseases. The vacuum massage procedure helps to soften any “new”, already shrivelled and stiffened scar tissues. Vacuum massage may be helpful in belly shaping and stretching of the inner surface of the thighs by stimulating the deepest layers of tissues, thereby activating the formation of elastin and collagen. The vacuum massage with a low or high negative pressure provides such treatment processes: lymphatic drainage – is used in cellulite treatment for excretion and removal of excess fluid; relaxation – good relaxing for neck and shoulder musculature; forming skin – stretch marks treatment, thighs and upper arms shaping, as well as the buttocks, abdomen, and breast shaping; circulation/regeneration – elimination of fat deposits (increase in cell metabolism), cell activation, skin-strengthening, especially in the face and neck; enhancement of phagocytosis – activation of phagocytes; these are the cells that destroy fat deposits, foreign bodies and unwanted tissues.

Differentiated Cellulite Treatment (DCT) by Weyergans High Care

Differentiated Cellulite Treatment DCT. Weyergans High Care. AG offers the worldwide unique patented differentiated Cellulite treatment. It is based on activation of the lymph system, firming of connective tissue, stimulation of fat metabolism and prevention of potential leg disorders so you not only improve your figure but also stay fit and healthy. Everything is achieved by using a combination of Weyergans cosmeceuticals,techniques and appliances, including SPM, Slide Styler and body wrapping.

SPM The suction pump massage is a combination of cupping and massage that uses a specific pre-selected negative pressure. It is a holistically oriented treatment of the face or whole body which is also suitable for application in physiotherapy. It treats cellulite by the means of lymph drainage, tissues regeneration, stimulation of fat metabolism and tissues firming.The results are visible immediately. With regard to facial and decollete care,it is suitable not only for regeneration (anti-ageing),lifting and wrinkle treatment,but also for acne and rosacea. Moreover, it treats pregnancy marks and is ideal for relaxing massage or decorating cramped muscles.

Lymphatic system

The widest and densest lymphatic capillary network is in the head and neck area. 70 lymph nodes must be stored in the face with cellular metabolism leftovers from the process, fight inflammation, detoxify tissues. Over time, lymph can accumulate, the process of lymph drainage is disturbed, swelling appears on the face (constantly or after night). When lymph circulation is disturbed, the color of the face changes, it does not look healthy. Massage helps to direct and activate the lymph flow (lymph flows very slowly and this process is often disrupted), therefore, swelling of the face is reduced or completely disappears, the complexion becomes healthier after the massage, less toxins remain in all layers of the skin and face. Cell regeneration processes are accelerated (on average it takes 28 days, but slows down with age), the intercellular fluid becomes clearer, the tissues age more slowly. • Blood flow. The face (oval, neck, décolleté) has many blood vessels, capillaries, as well as veins and arteries. The whole system nourishes the cells of the face. If blood circulation becomes impaired over the years, the cells do not receive the required amount of oxygen and nutrients, so the face ages faster, its color changes. Massage passively affects the muscles, they are filled with new blood. And with the mechanical effect on the skin of the face, the capillaries are better supplied with blood and nourish all the tissues. Metabolic processes of the massaged skin speed up, blood also flows faster through the veins. Circulatory system very closely related to the lymphatic system, so the improvement of the activity of one of them or the disorder has an impact on others.

Stretch marks

Stretch marks are pale pink or bluish pink lines that appear on the skin. At first they are more pronounced, then they become less noticeable Stretch marks appear where the skin is stretched – on the abdomen, breasts, buttocks, thighs, waist, hips. The most common causes: obesity, endocrine diseases, pregnancy, sudden weight gain or weight loss, puberty, heredity. With these reasons, the skin loses its elasticity – its elastic fiber is missing. This problem bothers not only women, but also men. Doctors believe that it is practically impossible to eliminate this skin defect, but less noticeable stretch marks with your own efforts and with the help of doctors is a real thing. Here are tips on how to prevent stretch marks and how to try to get rid of them. How to prevent stretch marks? -Avoid sudden weight loss. Do not abuse strict diets. -Use products that improve the condition of the skin – increase its elasticity. -Pregnant women are advised to have a healthy lifestyle and diet. During pregnancy, use creams that increase skin elasticity, apply them to the abdomen, breasts, buttocks, thighs. -Pamper your body from time to time with massages that you can also perform at home. -Use a contrast shower. -Regular exercise also helps. How to eliminate stretch marks? 1. Treat the stretch marks as soon as they appear and are red or brown. 2. For those who appreciate natural products, it is worth trying to rub yourself with a weak solution of table salt. After the procedure, a rough tissue massage is suitable. 3. Take zinc, use zinc ointment and drink plenty of fluids. 4. Use natural peeling from coffee grounds. 5. Tea tree oil is believed to make stretch marks less visible. Apply it to the affected skin every night. 6. Use a cold-hot contrast shower at least several times a week. At first, keep a cold stream of water on the areas where the stretch marks are, then suddenly change to hot. And so several times. 7. Sea buckthorn oil is said to help. Apply it to areas where you have a skin defect or once a week to prevent it. 8. Try peeling. Fruit acid or glycol peels are used for chest skin. Peeling must be superficial, because the skin where there are stretch marks is already quite thin. 9. Special creams make stretch marks less visible. 10. If stretch marks appeared recently, it is advisable to start the treatment with massages, which can be of two types – manual and vacuum. Massage performed by hands helps prevent skin sagging, improves lymph drainage, activates blood circulation, and the skin becomes more elastic and firm. Vacuum massage improves the lymphatic system, helps to eliminate accumulated fat accumulations, removes slags and toxins from the body. Cell metabolism is activated, new cells are formed and stretch marks become less noticeable or disappear completely 11. A procedure called microdermabrasion or otherwise – grinding. Microdermabrasion has a double effect: it stimulates the growth of new skin cells and “exfoliates” damaged skin. 12. A procedure called ozonotherapy – treatment using ozone. Ozone restores microcirculation, stimulates the regeneration processes of the body, stimulates turnover processes in the connective tissue in the areas of stretch marks, stretch marks acquire a skin tone after ozone therapy. This procedure is not advisable if you have impaired blood coagulation, increased activity of the thyroid gland, are suffering from cramps, are allergic to ozone, or have had a myocardial infarction. 13. Another medical method is called mesotherapy. During it, a mixture of drugs is injected into the skin, stopping the cracking of the elastic fibers of the skin. 14. It is recommended to treat stretch marks with a laser – it effectively removes these recently appeared skin defects and significantly reduces the appearance of old ones Glowing skin and a great mood created by your own hands!!!!!